
BTS (Blasson Technical Services)

Based on our experience of more than 20 years, we advise all types of clients involved in a construction project, with the aim of ensuring that the commitments regarding cost, deadlines and quality become a reality.

  • Full management in the development and execution of projects. From the selection of teams of architects, interior designers or external consultants, to the completion and opening of the project.
  • Planning of the different phases of the project, analysing costs, risks and opportunities for improvement.
  • Monitoring throughout the duration of the project, coordinating all those involved in the different processes, controlling deadlines, deliveries, costs and variations, ensuring that the final product meets the quality and expectations of our client.

BTS complies with the increasingly demanded ESG criteria required by our clients.

We take care of the impact of our projects on the environment, on the society or community where they are developed, being transparent in our conduct and information policies.

We generate value for our clients, for the environment and for society as a whole.